Monday, June 25, 2007


I spent yesterday snapping pics of the kids and then scrapbooking. I'd like to try for SOY (scrapbooker of the Year) and I need 20 layouts to submit (12 of which can't be on a blog or online forum)I'm about halfway there but it's so hard not to post my work . . .

Journaling reads:
It seems as though your childhood has been a blur. I remember the world stopping as we waited for you to take your first bresth, and then finally there it was . . . you were no longer in distress (your heartbeat had dropped with each contraction because the cord was wrapped tightly around your neck.) THe next thing I know you are a beautiful young lady. I have memories that stand out from the nine years between., like asking my sister if it was normal for a newborn to only have two twenty minute naps the entire day ( you’ve NEVER liked to sleep) Your toddler years at Joy Lane, from exploring the creek and picking blackberries to running down the long driveway to greet daddy every evening. I remember being amazed at what a smart child you are From speaking in full sentences at a year to effortlessly learning to read at FOUR you’ve always been an amazingly brillant child. School has been an easy pleasure for you and some of my favorite memories are of sitting at the kitchen table with you for school. I remember your joy at the birth at each of your siblings, automatically stepping up to the plate as a resposible and loving big sister. I remember your tea party birthday with the feathery hats and boas, you ringing the belll for papa and daddy to serve you. I remember you telling “buzzy” to get out of here while I wondered when you got an imaginary friend. Memories of you hobbling around on you red, white, and blue cast. Memories of you walking down the street to see your best friend and sleepovers with Emily on hot summer nights. Constant singing, everything was and is usually accompanied by a song. I remember each and every solo you”ve sung and all of the practice for each audition and part. .I remember all the bible verses you’ve learned over the years. In first grade you memorized the entire Chrtistmas story from the book of Luke and I can still hear you reciting “ . . . born in the city of Davis . . .” I remember you telling someone that your middle name was borealis. My biggest memory is of the love in our home that came with your arrival. Oh how I love you my girl. You are so precious and beautiful inside & out.

1 comment:

dreamw said...

Absolutely beautiful, so full of every part of her life!