Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Storm Damages

Well we sustained a couple hits from the big storm this past weekend. We had one of our trees fall and take out the fence while hitting the neighbors house. Our Gazebo and a couple of our outdoor chairs are a total loss plus the fence behind there. Basically the fence on half our yard is now down. When the adjuster came out he also found some slight damage to our roof by the chimney. So all in all there were a few hits but no major losses as we are all safe ;0)


Unknown said...

Oh Tezra, Im so sorry to read you were affected by the storm! What a nightmare and it must have been so scary! Glad you and your family are ok and hope your damages get sorted out without any hassle!

Donna S. said...

Sorry you lost your tree and your fence got munched. I'm sure you will REALLY miss that tree in the summer when it is HOT and you are looking for shade.

IamDerby said...

Yikes! Your poor gazebo! What a lovely deck you had built for it too. I love those brick steps. We lost part of our fence, my dh has to fix it... cheaper than paying our deductible

shufgirl said...

Scary looking pictures! I'm glad everyone was safe though. You don't seem to bummed out about it, that's good.

Toni said...

Oh my! It was such a beautiful garden area. I'm sorry you had damages. Hope insurance will kick in???