Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh no he didn't!

Ev has this crazy relationship with his lawn.  He loves the way it looks and goes to GREAT pains to keep it looking perfect.  He spends 3 hours on Saturdays working on his lawn and has a process that he follows every time.  He fertilizes,aerates (sp?) etc at specific times of the year, and when we hear neighbors or people walking past commenting on what a beautiful lawn it is, Ev swells up with pride. 

We had a friend (a perfectionist friend mind you) that offered to mow the lawn for Ev once when he was out of town.  He politely refused. 

So imagine my great surprise when Ev asked me to take a picture of Alorah's first time mowing the lawn.  He had her mow the whole back yard (not the front because it's a big hill).  That told me in not too many ways that he still wasn't feeling well after his bout of illness.

He was feeling well enough to ham it up a bit :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hope you and DH are feeling much better!