Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Supposed to be cleaning!

Alorah just went up to Old Sierra Camp where they live like Pioneers for two days ~ no worries pictures are to come. I sent her with my camera (point & shoot, not DSLR) to take lots of pictures. Well she held onto the camera for a but after she got home and it looks like she found the video feature on it. This is what she was doing when she was supposed to be cleaning her room. At one point in one of the videos you can hear Alaina responding to me down the hall about cleaning up.


Tasha Schrock said...

That is tooo funny! Alorah is quite the journalist. I'd tune in to get the scoop. Love it! Sometimes we experience our most creative moments when we're supposed to be doing something else.

Jackie said...

Too funny....what a cute interviewer :)

shufgirl said...

Alorah is so much like you it's uncanny sometimes! Love It!!!