Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter at Tonya's

We spent Easter with my sister Tonya, her husband & girls and my parents at Tonya's house. It was a fun day with lots of "cousin" time, an easter egg hunt and Easter dinner. Here are some pics I took throughout the day.

Egg hunting:
Micah found some eggs hidden in Papa's shoes (STINKY)
Alorah checking out her loot:
Haley showing me her collection of eggs:
Isaiah's loot:
Micah scored!
We ended up the day with sidewalk chalk. Tonya has a wall in her backyard that my kids think is the coolest cuz they can draw to their hearts content on it. Here's Micah and Lauren:
Lauren the little dolly, drawing on the wall. I love the way the light framed her face in this picture:
Alaina writing her name:
Tonya playing hopscotch with Alorah and totally biffing it into the fence. CRACKED ME UP!


Kari said...

Looks like you had a wonderful day with family ... those are some of the best, aren't they?!

Jackie said...

Those photos are great of your the one of Lauren drawing on the wall...beautiful photo

shufgirl said...

Great pictures Tez! I'm so glad that my photographer sister was there to capture the fun because I always forget to take pictures. We loved having all of you with us on Easter Sunday.